2018 Forecast: Omnichannel Personalization

Omnichannel Personalization Will Create Compelling Store Experiences The retail apocalypse is overstated. All stores won’t disappear, but many of the bad ones will, and should. The in-store shopping experience at many failing retailers is the reason for their demise. But...

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Reaching Customers Through Digital Personalization

Taking the initial step into digital personalization may seem like a giant leap, and that’s why it can be better to take a phased approach. They are monumental changes that won’t take place overnight, so incremental improvement is the best...

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Digital Personalization Part 1: A Starter’s Guide

With all the different stimuli, options, mediums, and content available today companies are searching for better ways to connect and engage with their audience and potential customers.  By some estimates individuals are now exposed to over 5,000 advertisements in a...

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