Doug Weich

Doug Weich has more than 25 years’ experience in the retail industry. As Founder and CEO of Sophelle, Doug has helped guide some of the nation's most successful retailers through highly complex business transformations. Called upon for his retail expertise...

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Joe Dela Cruz

With over 25 years of retail information systems experience, Joe Dela Cruz has held leadership positions at a number of successful retail organizations, including Vice President of Retail Systems for Donna Karan, Vice President / CIO for iParty, Director of...

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Jeff Neville

Jeff has more than 25 years’ experience in the retail industry as an industry operator and consultant. He is a business-focused technology strategist with a passion for generating company results through process change and technology innovation. His experience includes both...

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Dennis Raynor

With over 30 years of enterprise sales experience working at companies ranging from startups to the Fortune 100, Dennis has a long track record of helping customers succeed. He adopts a collaborative approach, ensuring all customer constituents are involved in...

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Kate Bolles

With more than 15 years of eCommerce and Digital Strategy experience, Kate Bolles works with her clients to facilitate and drive the transformation of their online presence into the seamless digital experiences necessary for today’s ‘always-on’ world. Kate has been...

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